A reminder that subs are due now, for the 1st of Nov.
Subscription remains at £25.
We say farewell to our barman Rob, who has decided to move onto pastures new, I am sure you will join me in wishing him well in his new job (his last night will be Wed 22nd Oct).
Rob’s leaving means that we need to recruit new staff:
We are looking for an experienced bar person, preferably with cellar experience, for approx 25hrs week, flexible shifts. If you are interested, or know someone who might be suitable, please get in touch.
With Christmas approaching, we are also looking for bar staff to help fill in and provide temporary staff cover.
Yes, Christmas is fast approaching(!) and we have lots of events coming up.
We need volunteers to help run some functions, in particular the Children’s party on Sun 7th Dec, and putting up the Xmas decorations (date tbc). please leave you name behind the bar.
Thinking ahead, we still need members to put their name forward for Committee, help run your Club!
Hon Sec